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Voices about the project

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This cross-border project is committed to the European network idea: On the one hand, the project links the regions of Saarland/Palatinate/Lorraine and Alsace in a more perceptible way in terms of culture and tourism; on the other hand, the waymarkers draw attention to important cultural monuments of the Middle Ages, the cultural history of the landscape and the history of the European St. James routes. Meanwhile, almost 200 scallop shell stones adorn the paths of the pilgrims of St. James in the project area. This is an incredible success for the cross-border cooperation with our neighboring regions. We thank everyone who supported this idea!

Regionalverbandsdirektor Peter Gillo, 2014

The project “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles” stands for a model of a new hiking culture in which people also go in search of traces in order to discover cultural landscapes and certainly also themselves. We are proud that the idea, the coordination and also the scallop shells for the cross-border “Perlenkette” of this project come from Saarbrücken and in so many places in the Palatinate, Lorraine and Alsace beyond Saarland make the Saarbrücken region an impulse generator in the sense of the European idea.

Charlotte Britz, Oberbürgermeisterin der Stadt Saarbrücken, 2013

For predominantly young women and men who were looking for work or an apprenticeship, the craft and design production of these “path signs” and their realization on site offered the opportunity to further qualify themselves via a cross-border cultural landscape project and to improve their career prospects. The project’s goals also included raising the participants’ awareness of the region’s special resources and awakening their commitment to an extraordinary cultural project.

Karin Riga, Geschäftsführerin des Zentrums für Bildung und Beruf Saar gGmbH in Burbach (ZBB)

The St. James Society Rhineland-Palatinate-Saarland e.V. has participated with pleasure in this European model project! We are happy to carry the idea within the St. James Societies throughout Europe.

Roland Zick, Präsident der St. Jakobus-Gesellschaft Rheinland-Pfalz-Saarland e.V.

Press information on the inauguration of scallop stones at various locations.

Press release Dudweiler 
Press release Köllertalschleife 
Press release Strasbourg