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Myth of the Way of St. James

Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel
Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel

A European Cultural Route

For more than a thousand years, the paths of the pilgrims of St. James have attracted travelers from all over the world across the European routes to the burial place of the Apostle James in Santiago de Compostela. Already in the Middle Ages, starting and gathering points for St. James pilgrims were formed in today’s Saar-Lor-Lux and Alsace region, because several significant routes crossed here. The paths of the pilgrims of St. James have not lost their attraction to this day. Today more than ever, people derive joy of life from the spiritual experiences they gain during the pilgrimage on the “Starry Paths” and in the encounters along the way with the diverse cultural landscapes.

As early as 1987, the Council of Europe recognized the European paths of the pilgrims of St. James, also known as “starry paths”, as the first European cultural route and encouraged the European regions to research and mark the paths of the pilgrims of St. James in Europe. In 1993, UNESCO declared the Way of St. James an intellectual World Heritage Site. This is to support the exchange of education, ideas, art and culture between regions and nations, as was already done on these routes in the Middle Ages.

The entire network of paths of the pilgrims of St. James branches organically throughout Europe on about 100,000 kilometers.

Routes of the pilgrims of St. James through Europe (official map of the Council of Europe)

For more than a thousand years, the paths of the pilgrims of St. James have attracted travelers from all over the world across the European routes to the tomb of the Apostle James in Santiago de Compostela

Destination of longing - Santiago de Compostela

Since the 9th century, the longing destination of all pilgrims to St. James has been Santiago de Compostela with the tomb of the apostle James. He is said to have been a missionary on the Iberian Peninsula and, after his beheading in Jerusalem by Herod, was transferred to Spain around the year 44. There are many variations on the discovery of the tomb, which was thought to have been lost. According to one version, the tomb was discovered around 813 by a hermit, who was guided by stars, on the Campus Stellae (Latin for Field of Stars) in Galicia. However, the discovery of the tomb on the Iberian Peninsula in Galicia and the pilgrimage movement it triggered can only be read in the context of the reconquest that began in the 8th century, the so-called Reconquista. The Arabs from North Africa, the Moors, had conquered this part of Spain, which already belonged to the Christian Visigoth Empire, in a single battle in 711. This “Holy War” overshadowed Spain and the Pilgrimage of St. James for 800 years until the year 1492.

Blick über Dächer auf die Kathedrale Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela is located in the northwest of Spain in the province of La Coruña, 35 km from the Atlantic Ocean, and was one of the three most important pilgrimage destinations of the Middle Ages, along with Rome and Jerusalem. St. James’ Day is celebrated on July 25. Whenever the birthday of the Apostle James falls on a Sunday, it is a “Holy Year”, the so-called “Año Santo Jacobeo” in Santiago de Compostela. Not far from Santiago de Compostela is the last destination of the pilgrims of St. James: the Atlantic coast. From its beaches at Cap Finisterre, at the “end of the world”, also comes the symbol of all St. James pilgrims, the scallop shell.
Since the 9th century, Santiago de Compostela with the tomb of St. James the Apostle has been the longing destination of all pilgrims.

“Starry Path” - “Caminus Stellarum”

The use of the star as the central symbol of the cult of St. James, along with the conch, is historically inspired: In the starry sky, on clear nights, one sees a ribbon-like arm of our spiral galaxy, commonly referred to as the Milky Way. It describes an arc that stretches across Europe from northeast to southwest, pointing to Spain. In the Middle Ages, it was also seen as a cosmic reference to the Tomb of St. James. Many Galicians still refer to the “Milky Way” when speaking of the “Camino”. Alternative names such as “Caminus Stellarum” or “Camino de las estrellas” have been known for the Camino since the Middle Ages.

In various traditions, reference is made to this connection of the Way of St. James to the guiding stars: Charlemagne, for example, is said to have appeared in a dream the apostle James and a path marked by stars to the tomb of the saint.

Caminus Stellarum

Scallop - attribute of the apostle

The scallop shell has been the central attribute of the apostle James since the Middle Ages. The messenger of faith is recognized by it, as are all pilgrims following in his footsteps. “Pecten Maximus” is the name for this flat shell from the European Atlantic coast, which can be seen as a scallop shell in depictions of St. James pilgrims and was brought home from Santiago de Compostela from the 12th century at the latest. At the same time, it is the most important symbolic attribute in the medieval representations of St. James.

The scallop shell has been the central attribute of the apostle James since the Middle Ages

Artisanal reductions of the scallop shell, e.g., made of gagat, a semi-precious stone of fossilized wood, were also strung on strings and carried along on the pilgrimage or brought back from the pilgrimage as devotional objects. Such agate beads with scallop shells were found in a medieval burial in the collegiate church of Saarbrücken. The equipment of a medieval pilgrim of St. James also included a weather coat, the so-called pelerine, a wide-brimmed hat, a pilgrim’s staff and a drinking bottle, the so-called Gurde. The scallop shell carried along could also be used to draw drinking water.

Bedeutung Jakobsmuschel

Spirituality - ways of knowledge and initiation

A pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela has always been a path of knowledge and initiation into nature and the spiritual world. Walking the European paths of the St. James pilgrims is still one of the great cross-border and unifying experiences in Europe. Against this background, the paths of the St. James pilgrims today also stand for the spiritual roots of Europe. Every year, around 800,000 people from Germany alone set out on the paths towards Santiago de Compostela.
