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Pilgrimage information

Even in the Middle Ages, a pilgrimage required considerable preparation. Already the first pilgrim’s guide, the Codex Callixtinus from the 12th century, gave many useful hints for those who wanted to set out. We would like to follow this tradition and offer you information for your excursions. “Buen camino” on our regional routes of the Starry Path.

International information center on the paths of the pilgrims of St. James

Fédération européenne de Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle
Hôtel-Dieu du Puy-en-Velay
2 rue Becedelièvre
43000 Le Puy-en-Velay

Incorporated into the program “The Council of Europe Cultural Routes” (1987)

Ways of the pilgrims of St. James in France

Ways of the pilgrims of St. James in Spain

The marking of the European paths of the pilgrims of St. James

The European paths of the pilgrims of St. James are marked in the most diverse ways. Marking symbols from the hand-painted yellow arrow (after the idea of the priest Valigna) on a wall to the bronze scallop shell on the church facade show the direction exceedingly multifaceted and document the most diverse cultures. Many a detour has been triggered by the removal of the marker by souvenir hunters.

The project space “Starry Path/Chemin des étoiles” is meanwhile predominantly marked with the marking proposed by the Council of Europe: stylized yellow scallop shell on a square blue background as a multi-beam signpost. On the paths of the pilgrims of St. James through the Palatinate there is also a marking with a white scallop shell and white pilgrim’s staffs crossing behind it.

From the French border, the Way of St. James follows the French GR 5G to Metz. At intervals of about one kilometer, the white-red marking and the lettering GR 5G is complemented by the stylized scallop shell.


Coordination scallop stones

Project management: Saarbrücken Regional Association, Peter Michael Lupp (overall coordination),, Tel. 0049 681 / 506 6060

Participation in the implementation (focus Palatinate/Alsace): St. James Society Rhineland-Palatinate-Saarland e.V., Karl Unold,, Tel. 0049 63 41 / 8 34 11

Responsibility Networking Zone Lorraine: Fédération Francaise de la Randonnée Pédestre, Germain Schuler,, Tel. 0033 387 925921

Criteria for the installation of a stone scallop with information panel

Koordination Jakobsmuschelsteine